Concept Our concept is really quite simple. There a many, many pet owners out there who maintain the lives of their animals using minimalistic standards. They may give them food and water, but shelter is negotiated and attention is out of the question. These pets may have been small, cute puppies that have grown into larger dogs, or they may have been purchased or adopted for a family member who is no longer present. Regardless of the reasons, these animals are now "yard ornaments" and are living their relatively short lives at the mercy of their owners. Why not help these animals -- and relieve their owners of such burdens? We hope that, with your help, we can give not-so-great pet owners a chance to see their faults and a chance to find a loving home for their animals if they do not wish to maintain ownership.
What is a good quality of life? Every pet owner is different and, therefore, each has a different opinion on just how much a pet should be pampered. Unfortunately, an animal's quality of life is often negotiated with this matter of opinion. A true and just pet owner knows when avoidance turns into abuse. Animals left outside on burning hot days -- or in freezing temperatures -- are victims to be noticed. Water and food deprivation is not acceptable. A decent shelter that provides adquate protection and a certain comfort is a necessity. These are all things that good pet owners would recognize and agree on. These are the issues that we are being faced with.
What's the solution? Many of the people who are guilty of such neglect may be decent human beings, but are simply poor pet owners. We hope to help concerned friends and neighbors find a solution by sending an tactful, yet informative letter to the address provide to us. Any respectable individual would then take the hint and improve their pet's living conditions, or let us help find a new home for the animal. These animals would then be available for adoption through our web site and through local newspapers if possible. Get involved! Do you know of an animal in need? Project Pets is a FREE, easy, tactful way to help save a life. The e-mails and complaints that we receive will remain 100% confidential. Help us turn sob stories into success stories; lend an animal a helping hand today! |