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Project Pets
Get Involved

Thank you for your compassion and for taking action! In order for us to send a letter to the party that you are concerned with, we will need some simple information. Please gather the following information and e-mail it to projectpets@yahoo.com. If we have any questions regarding your request, we will e-mail you. Your e-mailed requests and comments will be kept confidential. Should you have any questions at all, please feel free to e-mail us! There are no charges for our services.

Pet Owner's Name (If possible)

Pet Owner's Address, City, State, and Zip

Type of animal-general(dog)or specific(black lab)

Cause for Concern (Please be as specific as possible.)


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Your Name (optional)

Your Address, City, State, and Zip (optional)

Any Additional Comments or Information

Mission Statement:

Because their lives are in our hands, we will strive to protect the animals that make the world so special. We will speak out for those in desperation who cannot speak and try to give them lives worth living. We are all God's creatures.
